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Deploy to production

As a final step in the getting started guide, we’ll deploy the demo site to the public internet using Deno Deploy. Deno Deploy is a globally distributed edge runtime built by the Deno company that allows developers to quickly and painlessly deploy web applications to the internet. Deno Deploy has edge nodes all over the world that serve traffic. Because of this, users worldwide have fantastic latency because their traffic is served from a server that is physically close to them.

To deploy to Deno Deploy, we’ll make use of the GitHub integration. To use this the code needs to be pushed to a repository on GitHub. Once this has been done, one must go to the Deno Deploy dashboard and create a new project.

Click on the “New Project” button and select the GitHub repository that contains the Fresh project. Select the “Fresh” framework preset, and click on "Advanced options". Enter deno task build in the “Build command” field. Press "Create project".

The project will now deploy to Deno Deploy. After this is done, the project will be available at https://$

Every time the code in the GitHub repository is updated, it will be deployed either as a preview or production deployment. Production deployments are only created for changes to the default/production branch (often main).