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Error pages

Fresh supports customizing the 404 Not Found, and the 500 Internal Server Error pages. These are shown when a request is made but no matching route exists, and when a middleware, route handler, or page component throws an error respectively.

404: Not Found

The 404 page can be customized by creating a _404.tsx file in the routes/ folder. The file must have a default export that is a regular Preact component. A props object of type PageProps is passed in as an argument.

import { PageProps } from "$fresh/server.ts";

export default function NotFoundPage({ url }: PageProps) {
  return <p>404 not found: {url.pathname}</p>;

Manually render 404 pages

The _404.tsx file will be invoked automatically when no route matches the URL. In some cases, one needs to manually trigger the rendering of the 404 page, for example when the route did match, but the requested resource does not exist. This can be achieved with ctx.renderNotFound.

import { Handlers, PageProps } from "$fresh/server.ts";

export const handler: Handlers = {
  async GET(req, ctx) {
    const blogpost = await fetchBlogpost(ctx.params.slug);
    if (!blogpost) {
      return ctx.renderNotFound({
        custom: "prop",
    return ctx.render({ blogpost });

export default function BlogpostPage({ data }) {
  return (
      {/* rest of your page */}

This can also be achieved by throwing an error, if you’re uninterested in passing specific data to your 404 page:

import { Handlers } from "$fresh/server.ts";

export const handler: Handlers = {
  GET(_req, _ctx) {
    throw new Deno.errors.NotFound();

500: Internal Server Error

The 500 page can be customized by creating a _500.tsx file in the routes/ folder. The file must have a default export that is a regular Preact component. A props object of type PageProps is passed in as an argument.

import { PageProps } from "$fresh/server.ts";

export default function Error500Page({ error }: PageProps) {
  return <p>500 internal error: {(error as Error).message}</p>;