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A layout is defined in a _layout.tsx file in any sub directory (at any level) under the routes/ folder. It must contain a default export that is a regular Preact component. Only one such layout is allowed per sub directory.

Project structure
└── routes
    ├── sub
    │   ├── page.tsx
    │   └── index.tsx
    ├── other
    │   ├── _layout.tsx  # will be applied on top of `routes/_layout.tsx`
    │   └── page.tsx
    ├── _layout.tsx  # will be applied to all routes
    └── _app.tsx

The component to be wrapped is received via props, in addition to a few other things. This allows for the introduction of a global container functioning as a template which can be conditioned based on state and params. Note that any state set by middleware is available via props.state.

import { PageProps } from "$fresh/server.ts";

export default function Layout({ Component, state }: PageProps) {
  // do something with state here
  return (
    <div class="layout">
      <Component />

Async layouts

In case you need to fetch data asynchronously before rendering the layout, you can use an async layout to do so.

import { FreshContext } from "$fresh/server.ts";

export default async function Layout(req: Request, ctx: FreshContext) {
  // do something with state here
  const data = await loadData();

  return (
    <div class="layout">
      <ctx.Component />

Define helper

To make it a little quicker to write async layouts, Fresh ships with a defineLayout helper which automatically infers the correct types for the function arguments.

import { defineLayout } from "$fresh/server.ts";

export default defineLayout(async (req, ctx) => {
  const data = await loadData();

  return (
    <div class="layout">
      <ctx.Component />

Opting out of layout inheritance

Sometimes you want to opt out of the layout inheritance mechanism for a particular route. This can be done via route configuration. Picture a directory structure like this:

Project structure
└── routes
    ├── sub
    │   ├── _layout_.tsx
    │   ├── special.tsx  # should not inherit layouts
    │   └── index.tsx
    └── _layout.tsx

To make routes/sub/special.tsx opt out of rendering layouts we can set skipInheritedLayouts: true.

import { RouteConfig } from "$fresh/server.ts";

export const config: RouteConfig = {
  skipInheritedLayouts: true, // Skip already inherited layouts

export default function MyPage() {
  return <p>Hello world</p>;

You can skip already inherited layouts inside a layout file:

import { LayoutConfig } from "$fresh/server.ts";

export const config: LayoutConfig = {
  skipInheritedLayouts: true, // Skip already inherited layouts

export default function MyPage() {
  return <p>Hello world</p>;